Arts and Entertainment

Yoga at Neptune's Fury

October 5 2024

Neptune's Fury 999 Waterside Dr. Norfolk, VA Price: By Donation

Coffee + Yoga is how STL started, and we are continuing to join forces with coffee shops throughout the 757 to bring you the best of both worlds! Join us on the 1st Saturday of every month for a class on the Neptune Furry lawn in downtown NFK. Parking info :: Park in the parking garage attached to the Dominion Tower. Enter the parking garage and follow the prompts on the screen. You will need to call the provided number to gain access to the garage and will receive a text message to your phone. Bring your phone with you into Neptune’s Fury for the flow. Inside there will be a QR code to scan that will validate your parking! Follow prompts when exiting the garage and enjoy your FREE parking! Class is open to all but please RSVP as spacing is limited! Cancelation Policy :: We are able to honor a full refund with 48 hours notice. PS :: Please bring your mat along for the ride!

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