That’s flee continues on!
5th Edition of “That’s Flee”: a shopping and community entertainment experience dedicated towards the streetwear, vendor & small business communities of Hampton roads! Super shouts to the Selden market team for letting us come through and make magic! Come join a community of creatives and entrepreneurs; all of whom are dedicated towards growth and prosperity! All brands, businesses, products and service provider’s welcome. Free event / open to the public!
Vendor fee:
$25 for 1 standard (6) ft table (individual spaces are approx. 8ft by 8ft…..please just be mindful)
$25 for 1 standard (6) ft table (individual spaces are approx. 8ft by 8ft…..please just be mindful)
$40 for 1 double wall kiosk (see picture gallery below)
$50 for 1 L-shaped standalone kiosk (see picture gallery below)