In the 23rd century, a New York City cabbie, Korben Dallas (Bruce Willis), finds the fate of the world in his hands when Leeloo (Milla Jovovich) falls into his cab. As the embodiment of the fifth element, Leeloo needs to combine with the other four to keep the approaching Great Evil from destroying the world. Together with Father Vito Cornelius (Ian Holm) and zany broadcaster Ruby Rhod (Chris Tucker), Dallas must race against time and the wicked industrialist Zorg (Gary Oldman) to save humanity.
Dive into the captivating world of linocut art with our Maritime Art Workshop: Linocut Printing! Immerse yourself in the beauty of the ocean as you learn to carve intricate designs inspired by maritime wonders onto linoleum blocks. We will guide you through the process, unlocking your creativity to produce stunning prints. Unleash your inner artist, connect with maritime motifs, and leave with a unique masterpiece. Join us for a transformative artistic journey – where imagination meets the deep blue.
This Sail Nauticus program is part of U.S. Sailing’s First Sail Experience. It is a two-hour introduction to the wonders of sailing. In a casual and safe setting join up to two other students and a Sail Nauticus instructor on one of our Harbor 20 vessels. If you are wondering what it takes to sail, and want to dip your toes in the water, this course is designed for you!
Explore the technology and innovations of wind energy from the past, present and into the future through this exciting program offered weekly. Located at the entrance of the Norfolk In Time, visitors can manipulate the blades of a wind turbine and measure the power of the energy created by wind in real time. Recommended for all ages!
This “special access” experience pulls back the curtain on interesting private spaces in Downtown Norfolk! Join us as we explore where the magic happens backstage at the Roper Theater, where the most historic treasures of the city are kept in the special collection storage of the Slover Library, as well as a third *mystery* location! You won’t be able to do something like this anywhere else, so don’t miss out!