Our goal is to build a grassroots team of community scientists and local stewards in the Elizabeth’s watershed who study river otters. The purpose of Otter Spotter is to give everyone the chance to
contribute meaningful data to help expand our understanding of river otters in the Elizabeth River.
In this workshop, FieldScope’s Jessica Bean will provide you with tools that help you report your findings and investigate your questions as we expand our database of Elizabeth River otter data. Using FieldScope, Otter Spotters like you will create a unique FieldScope account, report the date, time, and location of their river otter sightings and river otter sign (e.g., scat!). Photos and videos of your sighting are highly encouraged!
Jessica will also prepare you to create maps and other ways of looking at local data to share with your community, at your school, or with otter (other) members of your family! Join us as we learn and share more about river otters in the Elizabeth River!
Come early for an optional tour of the Elizabeth River Project’s Ryan Resilience Lab at 4:30pm.