
First Baptist Church

418 E. Bute St., Norfolk, VA 23510 (757) 622-6701

Founded in July 1800, First Baptist is the oldest Baptist church in the city of Norfolk, Virginia. For over 200 years we have been steadfastly spreading the word of the Lord and serving the Hampton Roads community. The church as a stalwart in the area of education answered a special calling in 1958 by opening its doors for the tutoring of “The Norfolk Seventeen.” The 19th pastor, Dr. Robert G. Murray, came in 1983, with the theme, “Pastor and People Working Together for a more Excellent Way.” Pastor Murray has brought forth many ministries throughout the years such as Youth, Singles, Couples , Seniors, and Military with the idea that building strong families in changing times would build strong communities and sustain individuals. Other ministries such as Tutorial Ministry, the Soup Kitchen, and the Clothes Closet were established to help the community beyond the walls of the church. First Baptist is no longer just 418 E. Bute Street, but is a beacon of light that touches all different addresses in the surrounding communities. If you are looking for a church home, we invite you to visit and worship with us at our 8:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. services each Sunday. The church is located in downtown Norfolk, Virginia across the street from the Norfolk Scope. May grace, mercy and peace be unto you.

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