Virginia International Tattoo

April 24–27, 2025

Future dates: Thursday, April 16 -Sunday, April 19, 2026
Thursday, April 22-Sunday April 25, 2027

It’s no secret Norfolk has a serious appreciation for our military. After all, Norfolk is home to the largest naval base in the world. In 1997, the Virginia Arts Festival presented the city with what has now become a staple to Norfolk’s performing arts scene: The Virginia International Tattoo. The Tattoo blends tradition and entertainment in the form of bagpipers, military bands, fife and drum corps and drill teams that make up the hundreds of performers who come to Virginia once a year for the festival. 

The 2025 Virginia International Tattoo will feature an incredible international cast of more than 800 civilian and military performers from six nations. Returning favorites include Norway’s spectacular Band and Drill Team of His Majesty the King’s Guard, the rousing Massed Pipes and Drums from four nations and the nimble OzScot Australia Highland Dancers. Exciting new performers include the Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF) Central Band in their first trip to the United States.

At the heart of every performance will be an emotional and grateful tribute to our Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines. With stirring music, heartfelt tributes to those who have served, and appearances by some very special guests, this Tattoo will remind us that as Americans, we enjoy freedoms made possible by 250 years of Service and Sacrifice.

“Prior to the opening notes of this year’s Tattoo, the floor of Scope Arena will be totally empty, and dark,” said Scott Jackson, Producer/Director of the Virginia International Tattoo since 2002. “Our countdown clocks will tick down, and the audience will hear from the Tattoo Drum Major about the ceremony and etiquette that we ask them to observe during the performance. And when the clocks hit “0”, the Tattoo Production team will fire 350 intelligent, infinitely color-variable spot-and-wash lighting fixtures flooding the floor of the arena – suddenly filled with hundreds of performers – with intense color-saturated light. We’ll start the show with a world premiere Victory at Sea Fanfare performed by Herald Trumpets, 5 Military Bands, Symphonic Chorus, and even bagpipes. On the final notes of the overture, 30 students from the Naval JROTC will open an enormous American flag, and the audience will be asked to rise for the playing of the Star-Spangled Banner. We will be just one minute into our 2025 Tattoo, Celebrating and Honoring the 250th anniversaries of the U.S Army, Navy and Marine Corps, and the 60,000 hours it took to prepare will have already been worth it!”

New this year, the Virginia International Tattoo is a signature event of Virginia American Revolution 250 Commission (VA250). Established by the General Assembly to commemorate Virginia’s role in the 250th anniversary of American independence, VA250 will mark the nation’s semiquincentennial by bringing Virginians together to learn more about Virginia’s key role in shaping the nation, these signature events are bringing together Virginians, travelers, history lovers and special guests from the state and nation to join events that celebrate and commemorate major moments of 250 years ago leading up to July 4, 1776.

Don’t miss the Virginia International Tattoo – A Scottish Tradition with an American Soul!

Tickets are available and on sale now at, by phone at 757-282-2822, or in person at the Virginia Arts Festival Box Office located at 440 Bank Street, Norfolk, VA 23510.

What is the Tattoo?
The centuries-old tradition of Tattoo originated as a signal from drummers instructing Dutch innkeepers near military garrisons to “Doe den Tap-too” or “turn off the tap”. Hearing the call “Tap-too” soldiers would return to their barracks for an evening roll call. The ensuing parade of soldiers evolved into a military marching band performance now known worldwide as “Tattoo.”

The Tattoos seen across the world today are ceremonial performances of military music by massed bands. Each Tattoo is influenced by the culture of the country they represent. Fans of these massed spectacles of music and might flock to the world’s great Tattoos including Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo in Scotland, Basel Tattoo in Switzerland, and Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo in Canada. But the greatest Tattoo in the United States, and rivaling the largest in the world, is the Virginia International Tattoo.

2025 Show Times

  • Thursday, April 24, 7:30 p.m.
  • Friday, April 25, 7:30 p.m.
  • Saturday, April 26, 7:30 p.m.
  • Sunday, April 27, 2:30 p.m.

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